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  10. Randomization
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  20. <h2 id="Endnote">Endnote<a class="anchor-link" href="#Endnote"> </a></h2><p>In the terminology that we have developed, John Snow conducted an
  21. observational study, not a randomized experiment. But he called his study a
  22. “grand experiment” because, as he wrote, “No fewer than three hundred thousand
  23. people … were divided into two groups without their choice, and in most cases,
  24. without their knowledge …”</p>
  25. <p>Studies such as Snow’s are sometimes called “natural experiments.” However, true
  26. randomization does not simply mean that the treatment and control groups are
  27. selected “without their choice.”</p>
  28. <p>The method of randomization can be as simple as tossing a coin. It may also be
  29. quite a bit more complex. But every method of randomization consists of a
  30. sequence of carefully defined steps that allow chances to be specified
  31. mathematically. This has two important consequences.</p>
  32. <ol>
  33. <li><p>It allows us to account—mathematically—for the possibility that randomization
  34. produces treatment and control groups that are quite different from each
  35. other.</p>
  36. </li>
  37. <li><p>It allows us to make precise mathematical statements about differences
  38. between the treatment and control groups. This in turn helps us make
  39. justifiable conclusions about whether the treatment has any effect.</p>
  40. </li>
  41. </ol>
  42. <p>In this course, you will learn how to conduct and analyze your own randomized
  43. experiments. That will involve more detail than has been presented in this
  44. chapter. For now, just focus on the main idea: to try to establish causality,
  45. run a randomized controlled experiment if possible. If you are conducting an
  46. observational study, you might be able to establish association but it will be harder to establish causation. Be extremely careful about confounding factors before making
  47. conclusions about causality based on an observational study.</p>
  48. <p><strong>Terminology</strong></p>
  49. <ul>
  50. <li>observational study</li>
  51. <li>treatment</li>
  52. <li>outcome</li>
  53. <li>association</li>
  54. <li>causal association</li>
  55. <li>causality</li>
  56. <li>comparison</li>
  57. <li>treatment group</li>
  58. <li>control group</li>
  59. <li>epidemiology</li>
  60. <li>confounding</li>
  61. <li>randomization</li>
  62. <li>randomized controlled experiment</li>
  63. <li>randomized controlled trial (RCT)</li>
  64. <li>blind</li>
  65. <li>placebo</li>
  66. </ul>
  67. <p><strong>Fun facts</strong></p>
  68. <ol>
  69. <li><p>John Snow is sometimes called the father of epidemiology, but he was an
  70. anesthesiologist by profession. One of his patients was Queen Victoria, who
  71. was an early recipient of anesthetics during childbirth.</p>
  72. </li>
  73. <li><p>Florence Nightingale, the originator of modern nursing practices and famous
  74. for her work in the Crimean War, was a die-hard miasmatist. She had no time
  75. for theories about contagion and germs, and was not one for mincing her
  76. words. “There is no end to the absurdities connected with this doctrine,” she
  77. said. “Suffice it to say that in the ordinary sense of the word, there is no
  78. proof such as would be admitted in any scientific enquiry that there is any
  79. such thing as contagion.”</p>
  80. </li>
  81. <li><p>A later RCT established that the conditions on which PROGRESA insisted—children
  82. going to school, preventive health care—were not necessary to
  83. achieve increased enrollment. Just the financial boost of the welfare
  84. payments was sufficient.</p>
  85. </li>
  86. </ol>
  87. <p><strong>Good reads</strong></p>
  88. <p><a href="http://www.ucpress.edu/book.php?isbn=9780520250499"><em>The Strange Case of the Broad Street Pump: John Snow and the Mystery of
  89. Cholera</em></a> by Sandra Hempel,
  90. published by our own University of California Press, reads like a whodunit. It
  91. was one of the main sources for this section's account of John Snow and his
  92. work. A word of warning: some of the contents of the book are stomach-churning.</p>
  93. <p><a href="http://www.pooreconomics.com"><em>Poor Economics</em></a>, the best seller by Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo of MIT, is an accessible and lively account of ways to
  94. fight global poverty. It includes numerous examples of RCTs, including the
  95. PROGRESA example in this section.</p>
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