_config.yml 6.1 KB

  1. # Welcome to Jekyll!
  2. #
  3. # This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values
  4. # which you are expected to set up once and rarely edit after that. If you find
  5. # yourself editing this file very often, consider using Jekyll's data files
  6. # feature for the data you need to update frequently.
  7. #
  8. # For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use
  9. # 'bundle exec jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server process.
  10. # Site settings
  11. # These are used to personalize your new site. If you look in the HTML files,
  12. # you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ site.email }}, and so on.
  13. # You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible
  14. # in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}.
  15. #######################################################################################
  16. # Jekyll site settings
  17. title: ''
  18. author: Berkeley DSEP
  19. email: ''
  20. description: >
  21. baseurl: '' # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog. If there is no subpath for your site, use an empty string ""
  22. url: https://www.inferentialthinking.com # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.com
  23. #######################################################################################
  24. # Jupyter Book settings
  25. # Main page settings
  26. footer_text: This page was created by <a href="https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter-book/graphs/contributors">The
  27. Jupyter Book Community</a>
  28. # Sidebar settings
  29. show_sidebar: true # Show the sidebar. Only set to false if your only wish to host a single page.
  30. collapse_inactive_chapters: true # Whether to collapse the inactive chapters in the sidebar
  31. textbook_logo: favicon.png # A logo to be displayed at the top of your textbook sidebar. Should be square
  32. textbook_logo_link: https://inferentialthinking.org # A link for the logo.
  33. sidebar_footer_text: Powered by <a href="https://github.com/choldgraf/jupyter-book">Jupyter
  34. Book</a>
  35. number_toc_chapters: true # Whether to add numbers to chapterse in your Table of Contents. If true, you can control this at the Chapter level in _data/toc.yml
  36. # Search settings
  37. search_max_words_in_content: 100 # In the search function, use at most this many words (too many words will make search slow)
  38. #######################################################################################
  39. # Interact link settings
  40. # General interact settings
  41. use_jupyterlab: false # If 'true', interact links will use JupyterLab as the interface
  42. # Jupyterhub link settings
  43. use_jupyterhub_button: false # If 'true', display a button that will direct users to a JupyterHub (that you provide)
  44. jupyterhub_url: '' # The URL for your JupyterHub. If no URL, use ""
  45. jupyterhub_interact_text: Interact # The text that interact buttons will contain.
  46. # Binder link settings
  47. use_binder_button: true # If 'true', add a binder button for interactive links
  48. binderhub_url: https://mybinder.org # The URL for your BinderHub. If no URL, use ""
  49. binder_repo_base: https://github.com/ # The site on which the textbook repository is hosted
  50. binder_repo_org: data-8 # The username or organization that owns this repository
  51. binder_repo_name: textbook # The name of the repository on the web
  52. binder_repo_branch: gh-pages # The branch on which your textbook is hosted.
  53. binderhub_interact_text: Interact # The text that interact buttons will contain.
  54. # Thebelab settings
  55. use_thebelab_button: false # If 'true', display a button to allow in-page running code cells with Thebelab
  56. thebelab_button_text: Thebelab # The text to display inside the Thebelab initialization button
  57. codemirror_theme: abcdef # Theme for codemirror cells, for options see https://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html#config
  58. # nbinteract settings
  59. use_show_widgets_button: false # If 'true', display a button to allow in-page running code cells with nbinteract
  60. # Download settings
  61. use_download_button: false # If 'true', display a button to download a zip file for the notebook
  62. download_button_text: Download # The text that download buttons will contain
  63. #######################################################################################
  64. # Jupyter book extensions and additional features
  65. # Bibliography and citation settings. See https://github.com/inukshuk/jekyll-scholar#configuration for options
  66. scholar:
  67. style: apa
  68. #######################################################################################
  69. # Jupyter book settings you probably don't need to change
  70. google_analytics:
  71. mytrackingcode: 'UA-148221575-1'
  72. content_folder_name: content # The folder where your raw content (notebooks/markdown files) are located
  73. images_url: /assets/images # Path to static image files
  74. css_url: /assets/css # Path to static CSS files
  75. js_url: /assets/js # Path to JS files
  76. custom_static_url: /assets/custom # Path to user's custom CSS/JS files
  77. #######################################################################################
  78. # Jekyll build settings (only modify if you know what you're doing)
  79. # Site settings
  80. defaults:
  81. - scope:
  82. path: ''
  83. values:
  84. layout: default
  85. toc: true
  86. toc_label: ' On this page'
  87. toc_icon: list-ul
  88. favicon_path: favicon.png
  89. # Markdown Processing
  90. markdown: kramdown
  91. kramdown:
  92. input: GFM
  93. syntax_highlighter: rouge
  94. sass:
  95. style: compressed
  96. collections:
  97. build:
  98. output: true
  99. permalink: /:path.html
  100. # Exclude from processing.
  101. # The following items will not be processed, by default. Create a custom list
  102. # to override the default setting.
  103. exclude:
  104. - notebooks/
  105. - add_section_numbers_to_book.py
  106. - convert_notebooks_to_html_partial.py
  107. - Gemfile
  108. - Gemfile.lock
  109. - node_modules
  110. - vendor/bundle/
  111. - vendor/cache/
  112. - vendor/gems/
  113. - vendor/ruby/
  114. - scripts/
  115. plugins:
  116. - jekyll-redirect-from
  117. - jekyll-scholar
  118. jupyter_book_version: 0.6.2