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- Data Science
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- Introduction
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- Introduction
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- <h1 id="What-is-Data-Science?">What is Data Science?<a class="anchor-link" href="#What-is-Data-Science?"> </a></h1><p>Data Science is about drawing useful conclusions from large and diverse data
- sets through exploration, prediction, and inference. Exploration involves
- identifying patterns in information. Prediction involves using information
- we know to make informed guesses about values we wish we knew. Inference
- involves quantifying our degree of certainty: will the patterns that we found in our data also appear in new observations? How accurate are our predictions? Our primary
- tools for exploration are visualizations and descriptive statistics, for
- prediction are machine learning and optimization, and for inference are
- statistical tests and models.</p>
- <p>Statistics is a central component of data science because statistics
- studies how to make robust conclusions based on incomplete information. Computing
- is a central component because programming allows us to apply analysis
- techniques to the large and diverse data sets that arise in real-world
- applications: not just numbers, but text, images, videos, and sensor readings.
- Data science is all of these things, but it is more than the sum of its parts
- because of the applications. Through understanding a particular domain, data
- scientists learn to ask appropriate questions about their data and correctly
- interpret the answers provided by our inferential and computational tools.</p>
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