///* ======================================================================== // #CORE // ======================================================================== */ // This core file sets up inuitcss’ most important setup variables. They // underpin a lot of how the framework functions and should be modified and // preconfigured with caution. // Baseline grid lines height. // Every spacing metric should be based on this. $inuit-global-baseline: 6px !default; // How many grid lines should our spacing unit variants span? // Each value should be an unitless integer. $inuit-global-spacing-unit-factor-tiny: 1 !default; // 6px $inuit-global-spacing-unit-factor-small: 2 !default; // 12px $inuit-global-spacing-unit-factor: 4 !default; // 24px $inuit-global-spacing-unit-factor-large: 8 !default; // 48px $inuit-global-spacing-unit-factor-huge: 16 !default; // 96px // Spacing values are determined based on your project’s global baseline grid. // It is not recommended that you modify these following variables // (it can break your vertical rhythm), but if you need to, you can. $inuit-global-spacing-unit: $inuit-global-baseline * $inuit-global-spacing-unit-factor !default; $inuit-global-spacing-unit-tiny: $inuit-global-baseline * $inuit-global-spacing-unit-factor-tiny !default; $inuit-global-spacing-unit-small: $inuit-global-baseline * $inuit-global-spacing-unit-factor-small !default; $inuit-global-spacing-unit-large: $inuit-global-baseline * $inuit-global-spacing-unit-factor-large !default; $inuit-global-spacing-unit-huge: $inuit-global-baseline * $inuit-global-spacing-unit-factor-huge !default; // Base typographical styles. $inuit-global-font-size: 16px !default; $inuit-global-line-height: $inuit-global-spacing-unit !default; // Check that the chosen font rules are pixel numbers. @each $_inuit-font-globals in $inuit-global-font-size $inuit-global-line-height { @if (type-of($_inuit-font-globals) == number) { @if (unit($_inuit-font-globals) != "px") { @error "`#{$_inuit-font-globals}` needs to be a pixel value."; } } @else { @error "`#{$_inuit-font-globals}` needs to be a number."; } } // Check that the chosen size factors are unitless, integer numbers. @each $_inuit-spacing-unit in $inuit-global-spacing-unit-factor-tiny $inuit-global-spacing-unit-factor-small $inuit-global-spacing-unit-factor-large $inuit-global-spacing-unit-factor-huge { @if (type-of($_inuit-spacing-unit) == number) { @if (unitless($_inuit-spacing-unit) == false) { @error "`#{$_inuit-spacing-unit}` needs to be unitless."; } @if ($_inuit-spacing-unit != ceil($_inuit-spacing-unit)) { @error "`#{$_inuit-spacing-unit}` needs to be an integer."; } } @else { @error "`#{$_inuit-spacing-unit}` needs to be a number."; } }