"""Test the license creation code""" import os import os.path as op import subprocess import shutil as sh import pytest curdir = op.dirname(op.abspath(__file__)) def test_license(): # Not yes/no answers should error if op.exists(op.join(curdir, "site", "content", "LICENSE.md")): os.remove(op.join(curdir, "site", "content", "LICENSE.md")) cmd_error = ["python", op.join(curdir, "..", "license.py"), "--path", op.join(curdir, "site", "content"), "--use-license", "blah"] out = subprocess.call(cmd_error) assert out == 1 # Answering "yes" should add the CC-BY-SA license cmd_yes = ["python", op.join(curdir, "..", "license.py"), "--path", op.join(curdir, "site", "content"), "--use-license", "yes"] out = subprocess.call(cmd_yes) path_license = op.join(curdir, 'site', 'content', 'LICENSE.md') with open(path_license, 'r') as ff: license_text = ff.read() assert "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International" in license_text os.remove(path_license) # Answering "no" should add an empty license" cmd_no = ["python", op.join(curdir, "..", "license.py"), "--path", op.join(curdir, "site", "content"), "--use-license", "no"] out = subprocess.call(cmd_no) with open(path_license, 'r') as ff: license_text = ff.read() assert len(license_text) == 0